Saturday, January 06, 2007

Short inarticulate treatise on Post-Modern Christianity

the evangelical “say the prayer and your in” kind of faith just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Ie. You will know they are Christians by their love. I don’t really see it. Christians are more about being “holy” (read guilty and judgemental of others) than loving.

Cartesian certainty is dead. Post-modernism is the process of realizing that the “correct answer that is objective and applicable to all time” was a lie. Answers that are for all time are from the fifties.

Post-modern deconstruction isn’t the end, it is a means.

So far, what I have come up with is that the new answers will be drawn from diverse sources (not just western, usually rich white men). They are contextually based. Living, complex and dynamic. And they make sense (rational and empirical).

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